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Nominate yourself or a colleague for one of TAFP’s annual awards

Do you have a colleague who inspires you; one whom you feel is the “best of the best?” If so, please consider nominating him or her for one of TAFP’s annual awards: Texas Family Physician of the Year, Physician Emeritus, Physician Executive Award, Public Health Award, Exemplary Teaching Awards, Humanitarian Award, Diversity and Health Equity Leadership Award, or the Rising Star Award.

Awards are presented during TAFP’s Annual Session and Primary Care Summit in the fall. For more information, call TAFP at (512) 329-8666 or email

Nominations for the 2024 awards are now closed. Award winners will be notified in late summer and the awards will be presented this November at the Annual Session and Primary Care Summit.

Texas Family Physician of the Year

Help us honor the best of our practicing physician members by nominating a colleague for Physician of the Year.

Texas Family Physician of the Year

In existence since 1982, the Physician of the Year Award is one of TAFP’s highest honors. Consider your colleagues and submit nominations. Current TAFP officers are not eligible for this award.

Nominees should:

  • Provide the community with compassionate and caring medical service on a continuing basis,
  • Be directly and effectively involved in community activities that enhance the quality of life of his/her home area,
  • Provide a credible and invaluable role model, as a healer and human being to the community, and as a professional in the science and art of medicine to colleagues, other health professionals and, especially to young physicians in training and medical students,
  • Be in good standing in the medical community,
  • Be active, practicing members of AAFP and TAFP,
  • Have been in practice for at least 10 years with no plans to retire for at least two years, and
  • Spend at least 50% of the time in active practice and/or family medicine education.

Nomination requirements

  • Complete the nomination form.
  • Submit a typed copy of a current curriculum vitae limited to five pages.
  • Submit a current head-and-shoulders photo of the candidate.
  • Submit a minimum of two letters of recommendation. At least one must be from a TAFP member.
  • Letters plus any other supporting documentation (not including the nomination form or CV) can be a maximum of eight pages.

Submit CV, photo, and supporting documentation by emailing them to Samantha White at Questions should be addressed to Samantha White by email or phone at (512) 329-8666 ext. 116.

Physician Emeritus

This award honors physicians who have contributed long and meritorious service to family medicine.

Physician Emeritus

The award of Physician Emeritus was created to honor members who have contributed long and meritorious service in the arena of family medicine. Nominees should be physician members who are retired and over age 70. Current TAFP officers are not eligible for this award.

Nomination requirements

  • Complete the nomination form.
  • Submit a typed copy of a current curriculum vitae limited to five pages.
  • Submit a current head-and-shoulders photo of the candidate.
  • Submit a minimum of two letters of recommendation. At least one must be from a TAFP member.
  • Letters plus any other supporting documentation (not including the nomination form or CV) can be a maximum of eight pages.

Submit CV, photo, and supporting documentation by emailing them to Samantha White at Questions should be addressed to Samantha White by email or phone at (512) 329-8666 ext. 116.

Physician Executive Award

Designed to honor outstanding family physicians in executive leadership positions.

Physician Executive Award

TAFP created the Physician Executive Award in 2024. This award is given to TAFP member physicians in executive leadership positions whose leadership skills in health care organizations have contributed to excellence in health care. Current TAFP officers are not eligible for this award. Nominees must be TAFP members with five or more years in leadership roles.

Nomination requirements

  • Complete the nomination form.
  • Submit a typed copy of a current curriculum vitae limited to five pages.
  • Submit a current head-and-shoulders photo of the candidate.
  • Submit a minimum of two letters of recommendation. At least one must be from a TAFP member.
  • Letters plus any other supporting documentation (not including the nomination form or CV) can be a maximum of eight pages.

Submit CV, photo, and supporting documentation by emailing them to Samantha White at Questions should be addressed to Samantha White by email or phone at (512) 329-8666 ext 116.

Public Health Award

This award honors members who work in a public health field or make an extraordinary contribution to the health of their community, state, or nation.

Public Health Award

TAFP created the TAFP Public Health Award in 2004 modeled after the AAFP Public Health Award to honor work in Texas.

Nominees may be physicians working in public health or going beyond their patient community to have an impact on public health, or non-physicians who have an extraordinary impact on the public health of America (city, county, state, or nation). Judging criteria will include but will not be limited to: Body of work (projects/programs), training, experience, letters of support, content of written narratives, and CV. Current TAFP officers are not eligible for this award.

Nomination requirements

  • Complete the nomination form.
  • Submit a typed copy of a current curriculum vitae limited to five pages.
  • Submit a current head-and-shoulders photo of the candidate.
  • Submit a minimum of two letters of recommendation. At least one must be from a TAFP member.
  • Submit a written narrative describing the nominee’s public health activity and impact. This can be included in a letter of recommendation OR in the nomination form.
  • Letters plus any other supporting documentation (not including the nomination form or CV) can be a maximum of eight pages.

Submit CV, photo, and supporting documentation by emailing them to Samantha White at Questions should be addressed to Samantha White by email or phone at (512) 329-8666 ext 116.

Exemplary Teaching Awards

Designed to honor physicians who teach the next generation of family physicians, this award is given in three categories – academic, preceptor, and volunteer.

Exemplary Teaching Awards

TAFP created the Texas Exemplary Teaching Award in 2004. This award is given to physicians recognized for exemplary teaching skills by medical students, residents, or peers, or to physicians who developed and implemented innovative new teaching models or programs.

Please note that nominations can be made in the academic, preceptor, or volunteer faculty categories. Physicians nominated in the academic category should hold a regular faculty appointment, whether full-time or part-time, and teach and practice exclusively in an academic setting. Physicians nominated in the preceptor category should have precepted students through the Texas Family Medicine Preceptorship Program in two of the previous five years with at least one outstanding evaluation. Physicians nominated in the volunteer category should engage in volunteer teaching, but not in an academic setting.

Nominees will be evaluated on their commitment and contributions in the areas of teaching, patient care, community service, and scholarly activity. Current TAFP officers are not eligible for this award. All nominees must be TAFP members in good standing.

Nomination requirements

  • Complete the nomination form.
  • Submit a typed copy of a current curriculum vitae limited to five pages.
  • Submit a current head-and-shoulders
  • Submit a minimum of two and maximum of five letters of recommendation. At least one must be from an individual who is a current or former student/resident who has been taught by the nominee. At least one must be from a TAFP member.
  • Letters plus any other supporting documentation (not including the nomination form or CV) can be a maximum of eight pages.

Submit CV, photo, and supporting documentation by emailing them to Samantha White at Questions should be addressed to Samantha White by email or phone at (512) 329-8666 ext 116.

Humanitarian Award

This award is given to honor extraordinary and enduring humanitarian efforts both within and beyond the borders of the United States.

Humanitarian Award

TAFP created the Humanitarian Award in 2018 modeled after the AAFP Humanitarian Award to honor extraordinary and enduring humanitarian efforts both within and beyond the borders of the United States. Current TAFP officers are not eligible for this award. Nominees must be TAFP members in good standing and the award will not necessarily be given every year. 

Nomination requirements

  • Complete the nomination form.
  • Submit a typed copy of a current curriculum vitae limited to five pages.
  • Submit a current head-and-shoulders photo of the candidate.
  • Submit a minimum of two letters of recommendation. At least one must be from a TAFP member.
  • Submit a written narrative describing the nominee’s accomplishments and why they deserve the award. This can be included in a letter of recommendation OR in the nomination form. 
  • Letters plus any other supporting documentation (not including the nomination form or CV) can be a maximum of eight pages.

Submit CV, photo, and supporting documentation by emailing them to Samantha White at Questions should be addressed to Samantha White by email or phone at (512) 329-8666 ext. 116.

Diversity and Health Equity Leadership Award

Created in 2022 to replace the Special Constituency Leadership Award, this award recognizes the contributions of TAFP members who advocate for health equity, encourage increased representation, and promote inclusivity.

Diversity and Health Equity Leadership Award

TAFP created the Diversity and Health Equity Leadership Award in 2022 to recognize the contributions of TAFP members who advocate for health equity, encourage increased representation from groups historically underrepresented in medicine, and/or promote inclusivity in health care settings and in organized medicine. Current TAFP officers are not eligible for this award. Nominees must be TAFP members in good standing and the award will not necessarily be given every year. Consideration will be given for service to historical special constituencies.

Nomination requirements

  • Complete the nomination form.
  • Submit a typed copy of a current curriculum vitae limited to five pages.
  • Submit a current head-and-shoulders photo of the candidate.
  • Submit a minimum of two letters of recommendation. At least one must be from a TAFP member.
  • Submit a written narrative describing the nominee’s accomplishments and advocacy work in diversity, inclusion, or health equity, as well as leadership experience. This can be included in a letter of recommendation OR in the nomination form.  
  • Letters plus any other supporting documentation (not including the nomination form or CV) can be a maximum of eight pages.

Submit CV, photo, and supporting documentation by emailing them to Samantha White at Questions should be addressed to Samantha White by email or phone at (512) 329-8666 ext. 116.

Rising Star Award

Designed to honor new-to-practice members recognized for their outstanding achievement in academics, leadership, and/or advocacy.

Rising Star Award

TAFP created the Rising Star Award in 2024. This award is given to new physicians (within seven years post residency) who show exceptional achievement in the areas of academics, leadership, and/or advocacy to further the mission of the specialty of family medicine. Current TAFP officers are not eligible for this award. Nominees must be TAFP members in their first seven years of practice post residency.

Nomination requirements

  • Complete the nomination form.
  • Submit a typed copy of a current curriculum vitae limited to five pages.
  • Submit a current head-and-shoulders photo of the candidate.
  • Submit a minimum of two letters of recommendation. At least one must be from a TAFP member.
  • Letters plus any other supporting documentation (not including the nomination form or CV) can be a maximum of eight pages.

Submit CV, photo, and supporting documentation by emailing them to Samantha White at Questions should be addressed to Samantha White by email or phone at (512) 329-8666 ext. 116.