Texas Family Medicine
Preceptorship Program

Shaping the future of family medicine 

TFMPP frequently asked questions

If I apply, am I committed to taking someone?

No. Filling out an application simply puts your name in our database as a possible option for the two- to four-week rotations occurring during the summer each year. TAFP will contact you to see if a student’s request matches with your schedule.

Will I receive teaching CME credits?

Yes. You can earn up to 60 prescribed credits per three-year cycle for your AAFP membership. You may report earned hours to AAFP directly.

What are medical students allowed to do while rotating?

It depends. Please keep in mind that these are first- and second-year medical students, but you can have them do things such as interview patients, take complete histories, vitals, and more. Please use your best judgement based on their level of training and experience.

Will I receive financial compensation for my time?

You will not receive any monetary compensation. However, you will have the opportunity to attend two free clinical teaching skills workshops each year, both of which offer a single ethics credit. These workshops could also count toward faculty development requirements if you have a current faculty appointment.

How do I know if I am eligible to precept?

Eligible preceptors have completed a three-year family medicine residency, are board certified, and must not have any current board actions against them by the Texas Medical Board.

Is there a lot of extra paperwork?

No. Preceptors are only required to complete the student evaluation online at the end of the rotation.

What if I have accepted a student and my schedule changes?

Make sure your notify the TFMPP Program Manager, Paige Newman, at TAFP as soon as possible so that other arrangements can be made.

Will having a student in my office take extra time?

Yes. Medical education literature suggests that a physician’s day is lengthened by 20-60 minutes at the beginning of your teaching rotation. This time will be reduced once you are more comfortable with instructing your medical student.

What if I am out of the office while the student is rotating with me?

The student may spend time with another physician, but you are responsible for spending the bulk of the instruction time with the student. You remain responsible for the student evaluation.

Can students work with another physician within the practice?

Yes. But the bulk of the instruction and rotation time should be spent with the “home” physician.

Will I be responsible for student housing accommodations?

No, but if you know of housing options, please let the TFMPP program manager know so that they may be offered to the student.

Questions? Please call Paige Newman at (512) 329-8666 ext. 136 or by email at pnewman@tafp.org.